Apache Spark vs. Hadoop: Which One is Better for Big Data Processing?

August 25, 2021


Big data technologies facilitate the collection, processing, and analysis of large sets of data to reveal valuable insights that support decision-making processes. Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark are two of the most popular big data frameworks.

In this article, we aim to compare Apache Spark and Hadoop to determine their strengths, weaknesses, and ultimately, which one is better for big data processing.

Apache Spark

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system that allows users to process large datasets quickly. Spark supports various programming languages, including Java, Python, and R, and can run on Hadoop clusters.

The primary benefit of Apache Spark is its processing speed. Spark is faster than Hadoop because it stores data in-memory, reducing the amount of time required to read and write data. Additionally, the Spark processing engine can handle batch processing, real-time processing, and machine learning.

The Spark API is user-friendly, making it easy to write code and execute complex queries. Spark also features built-in libraries, including GraphX for graph processing and MLlib for machine learning, enabling users to develop powerful big data solutions.


Apache Hadoop is another popular open-source big data framework that supports the storage and processing of large-scale data. Hadoop consists of two primary components; Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce.

HDFS is a distributed file system that stores data in a distributed fashion across multiple machines. MapReduce is a programming model that allows users to process large datasets in parallel by dividing the data into smaller chunks for processing.

The key benefit of Hadoop is its scalability. Hadoop can process and store vast amounts of data that surpass traditional storage solutions. Additionally, Hadoop offers fault tolerance, ensuring that data is not lost or compromised in the case of a node failure.

Which One is Better for Big Data Processing?

Both Apache Spark and Hadoop are powerful big data tools that offer unique benefits to users.

Spark is faster than Hadoop, has a more user-friendly API, and offers advanced capabilities such as real-time processing and machine learning.

Hadoop is highly scalable, offers fault tolerance, and has been in the industry for more extended periods, providing stability and reliability for businesses.

Ultimately, the answer to which big data framework is better depends on your business requirements. If you are looking for a tool that can offer complex processing capabilities and handle various use cases, Apache Spark is the way to go. However, if you require scalability and reliability, Hadoop is the better option.


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